Assessments & Testing
Classroom Assessments
In addition to traditional subject testing, many classrooms at Silver Oak use iReady and Accelerated Reading programs to support math and reading learning.
i‐Ready’s adaptive tests identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading and math. An adaptive diagnostic automatically adjusts the difficulty of the questions according to each student’s ability levels. The first question your child will see will be based on his/her chronological grade level. As your child proceeds through the test, items become more or less challenging, depending on how he answers each question. The test is designed to find exactly the level at which your child is performing in phonics, vocabulary, literature and informational text comprehension.
iReady Student Results Reports Available Online for Silver Oak Families
To view your child’s i-Ready results, please log in to their individual dashboard. You'll find detailed information about their progress in reading and math.
How to access your child's iReady report:
- Log in to Clever: Visit Clever: and sign in using your child's ESD Google account credentials. This will look like (example
- Select iReady icon: Once logged into Clever, choose iReady from the available applications.
- Access Family Reports: On the right side at the top of the iReady menu bar, click on For Families. Then, select For Families Report.
- Choose Your Language: Indicate your preferred language for the report.
- Enter District Code: Use the District Report Code RR8ZQL and click submit.
- Pick Your Report: Select the report you'd like to view - Reading or Math. Click Get Report to access the information.
- Save or Print: You can download, save, or print the report for future reference.
- Learn More About: Understanding my Child's Diagnostic Reports.
Students take diagnostic tests three times a year to measure their progress. These iReady reports offer a wealth of information, including:
- Skill mastery: See how your child is progressing on specific reading and math concepts.
- Growth over time: Track your child's progress throughout the school year.
- Areas for focus: Identify areas where your child may need additional support.
By working together, we can ensure all Silver Oak students reach their full potential! If you have any questions about accessing or interpreting your child's iReady report, please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher.
Accelerated Reader (AR) Program
Some classrooms use the online Accelerated Reading (AR) Program from a company called Renaissance that assesses and strengthens students reading ability and comprehension. Students read and test at their own pace based on the goals established by their teacher. At the start of the school year, students begin by taking the STAR Reading Test, which is a multiple-choice exam that adjusts the difficulty based on the student’s responses, making it more difficult in response to correct answers, and vice versa. Upon completion, the student is given a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) score, which determines the range of books they can read that will challenge them without being frustrating.
From here, students work with teachers and our librarian to pick books that not only fit within their ZPD range, but also interest them personally. AR’s reading list includes over 180,000 fiction and non-fiction books for all levels of education and reading ability.
Each book has an Automated Technical Order System (ATOS) level that determines the difficulty of the text. For example, Roald Dahl’s classic story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has an ATOS level of 5.7, meaning the book is appropriate for fifth grade students during their seventh month at school. This score is merely a suggestion though, and teachers can work with their students to determine what reading level best suits them.
The list of AR reviewed books is large and diverse. They range from early reading like Dr. Seuss and Curious George, to more advanced reading material like the Warriors series, or even young adult novels like Never Let Me Go.
Renaissance Learning hosts a website where anyone can search by book title, author name, and even ISBN number, to find out if a particular book has been reviewed for the AR program.
Statewide Testing
Each spring, students in Evergreen School District participate in statewide California assessments to provide information about their skills in English language arts and literacy, mathematics, science, and physical fitness. Students identified as English learners also participate in an annual assessment of English language proficiency. When combined with other measures such as grades, class work, and teacher observations, these tests give families and teachers a more complete picture of their child’s learning. You can use the results to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support.
Your child may be taking one or more of the California assessments listed below. Mandated by state and federal laws, all public schools are required to administer the following assessments in the relevant grade levels. Pursuant to California Education Code Section 60615, parents or guardians may annually submit to the school a written request to excuse their child from any or all of the CAASPP assessments. This exemption does not exist for the ELPAC or Physical Fitness Test.
- About CAASPP Assessments
- California Science Test (CAST)
- California Alternate Assessments (CAA)
- Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
- English Language Proficiency (ELPAC)
- Alternate ELPAC
About CAASPP Assessments
The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System gives information to students, teachers, and parents about what students are able to do. Are students on track to succeed in college or in their careers?
About CAASPP System Assessments
The CAASPP System includes the following assessments:
Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC)
- Students in grades 3-8, take English language arts/literacy and mathematics tests.
- A Parent Guide to Understanding the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (PDF)
- Una Guía de Comprensión Para Padres Evaluaciones Sumativas (Spanish ) (PDF)
- Hướng Dẫn Cho Cha Mẹ Hiểu Rõ Bài Đánh Giá Tổng Kết Smarter Balanced (Vietnamese) (PDF)
California Science Test (CAST)
- Students in grades 5 and 8, take the science assessment.
- The CAST is an online test based on the Next Generation Science Standards.
- Additional resources are available below under the California Science Test heading.
California Alternate Assessments (CAA)
- Students with significant cognitive disabilities and whose individualized education program (IEP) team has designated the use of an alternate assessment on statewide summative assessments take the CAA test.
- Grades 3-8, English language arts/literacy & mathematics
- Grades 5 and 8, science.
- A Parent Guide to Understanding the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for English Language Arts, Math and Science (PDF)
- Una Guía de Comprensión Para Padres Evaluaciones Alternativas de California (CAAs) para el Idioma Inglés, las Matemáticas y las Ciencias (Spanish) (PDF)
- Hướng Dẫn Cho Cha Mẹ Hiểu Rõ Bài Đánh Giá Thay Thế của Tiểu Bang California (CAAs) về Ngữ Văn Tiếng Anh, Toán Học và Khoa Học (Vietnamese) (PDF)
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
- California Alternate Assessments (CAA) for ELA/literacy, mathematics, and science are designed for students whose individualized education program (IEP) identifies the use of alternate assessments.
- These are two assessments called the Initial and Summative and an alternative Summative assessment that are taken by qualifying students.
- Additional resources are available below under the English Language Proficiency heading.
California Science Test (CAST)
As part of CAASPP, the California Science Test (CAST) is administered to students in grades 5 and 8. The CAST is an online test based on the Next Generation Science Standards.
Additional Test Resources
- A Parent Guide to Understanding the California Science Test (CAST)(PDF)
- Una Guía de Comprensión Para Padres Examen de Ciencias de California (CAST) (Spanish)(PDF)
- Hướng Dẫn Cho Cha Mẹ Hiểu Rõ Bài Khảo Thí môn Khoa Học của California (CAST) (Vietnamese)(PDF)
- California Science Test (CAST) Fact Sheet
- Accessing a CAST Practice Test
For more information about the California Science Test, please visit California Science Test - California Department of Education.
How to Find Your Child's Test Results
Please refer to the CAASPP Testing and Results drop down tab immediately below this section for directions on how to access your child's report.
California Alternate Assessments (CAA)
The California Alternate Assessments (CAA) for ELA/literacy, mathematics, and science are designed for students whose individualized education program (IEP) identifies the use of alternate assessments. The purpose of the CAAs is to measure what students know and can do. These assessments help identify any gaps in knowledge or skills early so students can receive the support they need. These computer-based assessments are delivered one-on-one by a trained test examiner familiar to the student.
ELA/Literacy and Mathematics
CAA tests for ELA/literacy and mathematics are aligned with alternate achievement standards—called the Core Content Connectors—and linked to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA/literacy and mathematics. Eligible students participate in the CAA testing in grades 3-8 for ELA/literacy and mathematics.
The CAA for Science is a series of four performance tasks that can be administered throughout the year as the content is taught. CAA tests for science are aligned with alternate achievement standards—called the Science Core Content Connectors—which are linked to the performance expectations from the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS). Eligible students participate in the CAA for Science in grades 5 and 8.
Which standards are tested?
Alternate achievement standards derived from the 2012 California English Language Development Standards.
How to Find Your Child's Test Results
Please refer to the CAASPP Testing and Results drop down tab below this section for directions on how to access your child's report.
Additional CAA Resources
- A Parent Guide to Understanding the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for English Language Arts, Math and Science(PDF)
- California Alternate Assessment - California Department of Education
Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
Each spring, students in grades 5 and 7 participate in the California Physical Fitness Test (PFT) that consists of five performance components: aerobic capacity, abdominal strength, trunk strength, upper body strength, and flexibility. The physical fitness test used in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM, a comprehensive health-related physical fitness assessment. The purpose of the PFT is to assist students in establishing lifetime habits of regular physical activity.
The California Physical Fitness Test and FITNESSGRAM
For additional information about the Physical Fitness Test, please visit Physical Fitness Test - California Department of Education.
English Language Proficiency (ELPAC)
This annual language assessment is required for students identified as English Learners. The English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) provides a measure of student progress toward English language proficiency.
Who takes the test? Students who have a home language survey that lists a language other than English will take the Initial test, which identifies students as an English learner student or as initially fluent in English. Students who are classified as English learner students will take the Summative ELPAC every year until they are reclassified as proficient in English. For additional information about ELPAC, please visit English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) - California Department of Education.
What is the test format? Both the Initial and Summative ELPAC are computer-based.
Which standards are tested? The 2012 California English Language Development Standards
Initial Identification: Based on information provided by parents when enrolling their child in school, the California Department of Education has determined the ELPAC as the legally required assessment to determine a student's English language proficiency. The results of this screening assists teachers and school administrators in providing the appropriate language acquisition program and level of linguistic support for the student in the classroom.
Annual language assessment is required for students identified as English Learners as a way to measure a student's progress toward English language proficiency.
ELPAC test results and scores: Directions on how to find your child's test results are located at the top of this dropdown section under the heading CAASPP Testing and Results Report. To learn more about your child's scores, see the ELPAC Starting Smarter website.
Annual Parent Notification of Progress/Placement: According to California and U.S. law, public school districts are required to notify parents annually of their child’s assessment results, program placement, and the support available to further assist in their child’s academic performance.
Reclassification: Eligibility for reclassification is determined in the fall of each academic school year. To be reclassified to Fluent English Proficient (FEP), students must meet the minimum requirements determined by the State of California and the criteria established by Evergreen School District.
Additional Resources
- Initial ELPAC
- A Parent Guide to Understanding the Initial English Language Proficiency Assessments for California(PDF)
- Una Guía de Comprensión Para Padres Evaluaciones Iniciales de Dominio del Idioma Inglés para California (Initial ELPAC) (Spanish)(PDF)
- Hướng Dẫn Cho Cha Mẹ Hiểu Rõ Bài Đánh Giá Trình Độ Thông Thạo Tiếng Anh Ban Đầu của California (Initial ELPAC) (Vietnamese)(PDF)
- Summative ELPAC
- A Parent Guide to Understanding the Summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)(PDF)
- Una Guía de Comprensión Para Padres Evaluaciones Sumativas de Dominio del Idioma Inglés para California (ELPAC) (Spanish)(PDF)
- Hướng Dẫn Cho Cha Mẹ Hiểu Rõ Bài Đánh Giá Trình Độ Thông Thạo Tiếng Anh cho Tiểu Bang California (ELPAC) (Vietnamese)(PDF)
- Alternate Summative ELPAC
- A Parent Guide to Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment for California(PDF)
- Una Guía de Comprensión Para Padres Evaluaciones Alternativas de Dominio del Idioma Inglés para California (Alternate ELPAC) (Spanish)(PDF)
- Hướng Dẫn Cho Cha Mẹ Hiểu Rõ Bài Đánh Giá Trình Độ Thông Thạo Tiếng Anh cho Tiểu Bang California Thay Thế (Alternate ELPAC) (Vietnamese)(PDF)
- Complete results for schools, districts, and the state are available on the Test Results for California's Assessments website
Alternate ELPAC
Who takes the test? Students whose IEP identifies the use of an alternate assessment and who have a home language survey that lists a language other than English will take the Alternate Initial ELPAC, which identifies students as an English learner student or as initially fluent in English. Students who are classified as English learner students will take the Alternate Summative ELPAC every year until they are reclassified as proficient in English.
What is the test format? Both the Alternate Initial and Alternate Summative ELPAC are computer-based.
Which standards are tested? Alternate achievement standards derived from the 2012 California English Language Development Standards.
ELPAC test results and scores: Directions on how to find your child's test results are located below this drop down section under the heading CAASPP Testing and Results Report. To learn more about your child's scores, see the ELPAC Starting Smarter website.
Testing Results Reports
- How to Find Your Child's CAASPP and ELPAC Student Score Reports
- Understanding the Redesigned 2023-2024 Student Score Reports (Videos)
- Sample Student Score Reports
- 2024 Parent Letters (PDFs)
How to Find Your Child's CAASPP and ELPAC Student Score Reports
How to Access Student Test Results
Follow these steps to access the CAASPP and ELPAC Student Score Reports:
- Sign in to PowerSchool Student or Parent Portal.
- Click [Score Reports] located in the left column.
- Next to "School Year", click on [All] and select [school year].
- Click on [All] next to "Assessments".
- Click on [Get Report].
- Under "Score Report Link", click [View].
- See CAASPP: Understanding Score Reports to learn more about these score reports.
Additional Resources
- CAASPP Starting Smarter Website - Understand student scores and reports, view sample test questions, and access free resources to support your child’s learning
- Learn more about the Lexile and Quantile Score Reports.
- Test Scores for Schools, Districts, and Counties
- California Department of Education - CAASPP
Understanding the Redesigned 2023-2024 Student Score Reports (Videos)
Sample Student Score Reports
Smarter Balanced
2023–24 Smarter Balanced ELA, Mathematics, and CAST Sample SSR—English
2024–25 Initial ELPAC Sample SSR—English
2024–25 Initial ELPAC Sample SSR—Spanish
2024–25 Initial ELPAC Sample SSR—Vietnamese
Alternate ELPAC
2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC Sample SSR—English
2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC Sample SSR—Spanish
2024–25 Initial Alternate ELPAC Sample SSR—Vietnamese
Summative ELPAC
2023–24 Summative ELPAC Sample SSR—English
2023–24 Summative ELPAC Sample SSR—Spanish
2023–24 Summative ELPAC Sample SSR—Vietnamese
Summative Alternative ELPC
2023–24 Summative Alternate ELPAC Sample SSR—English
2024 Parent Letters (PDFs)
In August 2024 these letters were sent to parents explaining how to find their child's results reports from testing that took place in the spring of 2024.
- English Language Arts/Literacy (ELA), Mathematics, and California Science Test English | Spanish | Vietnamese
- California Alternate Assessments (CAA) English | Spanish | Vietnamese (expected in September)
- California Spanish Assessments (CSA) English | Spanish | Vietnamese (expected in September)
- English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) English | Spanish | Vietnamese
- Initial English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (Initial ELPAC) English | Spanish | Vietnamese
- Alternate ELPAC English | Spanish | Vietnamese