Student Drop-off and Pick-up Protocol
Updated: August 17, 2022
Student drop off and pick up can be challenging at Silver Oak. We have in place a specific traffic flow and rules to ensure students arrive and depart in the safest manner possible. Please help us in making students and other parents feel our school campus is a safe place. By following these simple rules and adhering to this traffic flow, we can all do our part in making drop off and pick up a safe experience.
Please make plans to participate in carpools in order to alleviate traffic. Before and after school, teachers are on duty in the front of the school, at the bus loop and back gates to maintain order for the safety of your children. Please follow their directions. Please remember that students are not allowed on campus before 7:45 a.m.
For the safety of Silver Oak students and staff, it is important that we all follow the established drop-off and pick-up procedures. Please share this information with babysitters and other family members responsible for student drop-off and pick-up.
Traffic Flow and Safety Rules
- Families using the former bus loop parking lot (see green line in map above) for drop-off and pick-up we only allow left turns into the parking lot. If you are coming from the Country Club this rule may be frustrating as you must detour to San Felipe; please consider using the main parking lot or Trowbridge to drop off or pick up your child to avoid this detour.
- Families using the main parking (see teal line on map above) lot for drop-off and pick-up we only allow right turns into the parking lot. Also please do not park on the curb between then marquee and the country club pool gate.
- No parking allowed on Farnsworth from the country club pool gate to the corner of the school. See red line on map above.
- U-Turns are NOT allowed on Farnsworth anywhere along the road in front of the school.
- Families using Trowbridge, students will only be allowed to be picked up if your car is parked along the curb. We do not want students walking in the road. Please also drive slowly to ensure the safety of our students.
- Use designated loading zones (orange cones) for pick-up and drop-off. Drive all the way forward into the drive through areas before dropping off or picking up your child and please stay in you car at all times. No parking is allowed in those areas. If your child is not ready to load when you are in the zone you will be directed to drive through with the flow and re-circle around.
- When picking up your child after school, you will direct your child to meet you in the designated pick-up areas (front of the school or former bus loop area). Staff will be assigned to supervise your child. You cannot park and leave your car unless you are in a designated parking space. You will not be allowed to block parked cars. Use the loading zone areas for pick-up and drop-off please stay in you car at all times.
- When using the pick-up and drop-off loading zones, children should unload quickly from the side of the car that is adjacent to the curb. Backpacks should be with children, not in the trunk of the car, to expedite loading and unloading. Zucas are not permitted.
Student safety and courtesy for others are matters of considerable importance at Silver Oak School. It is crucial that parents do their part to assist in this effort. We request that all families respect the traffic guidelines and respect those who enforce them.