Frequently Asked Questions


Q. When is the first day of school and when are the holidays?

A. The first day of school for 2024-25 is Monday, August 19.  Evergreen School District provides a handy year-at-a-glance calendar showing the first and last day of the school year as well as the observed holidays throughout the year.  The year-at-a-glance calendar can be found on our Calendar page.

Q. What is the daily class schedule? What time does school start and what time do I pick my child up from school?

A. Most students start school at 8:05 a.m. except for SDC Preschool classes. Please see our Daily Schedule for school start and dismissal times.

Q. What is a minimum day and when do they occur?

A. The first minimum day for the 2024-25 school year is Thursday, August 22. Every Thursday is a minimum day at all elementary schools in the Evergreen School District, unless otherwise noted. Minimum days are shortened school days used for teacher preparation and staff development training. Check the Daily Schedule for regular and minimum day schedules.


Q. When will my child find out which teacher he/she has for the school year?

A. Parents can log in to their PowerSchool Parent Portal account after 5 p.m. Friday, August 16 to find out their child's teacher and classroom assignment for the year. Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students have a special orientation and can meet their teacher during the day on Friday, August 16. Please see school website and calendar for times and location. 

Q. I forgot my login information for PowerSchool. What can I do?

A. If you do not know your parent portal login information, please select the “Forgot Username or Password” link from the PowerSchool Portal login page and enter your family’s account email address on file. If you are still unable to access PowerSchool, please contact Liz or Cassie in the school's front office at or 408-223-4515.

Q. What school supplies will my child need for the first day? Is there a supply list?

A. Supplies lists will be posted on the school website and communicated via ParentSquareonce they are available. 

Q. Does my child need a backpack? What kind?

A. Yes, students should have a backpack to carry their belongings and homework.  

Q. Is there a dress code?

A. Please refer to our Dress Guidelines.

Attendance & Tardiness

Q. How do I report an absence if my child is sick?

Q. How many days a year can my child be absent?

Q. What's the difference between an excused and unexcused absence?

Q. What are the consequences of having too many absences?

Q. Do I need to call if my child is late to school?

A. Every school day counts! Please refer to our Attendance Policy and Truancy Policy for detailed answers to the questions above.


Q. How does school drop-off and pick-up work?

A. We are concerned about the safety and protection of all children arriving and departing Silver Oak.  Please read about Arrival and Dismissal Procedures at our school.

Q. Who should I notify when I need to pick up my child early?

A. It is always a good idea to let the teacher know in advance when your child will be leaving early.  Students may not leave the school without permission. When students need to leave early, parents must come to the school office to sign them out.  The student will be called to the office via the classroom phone. Please schedule appointments late in the afternoon to minimize disruptions to your child’s education.

Q. Is there a Parent and Student Handbook? 

A. Each year Evergreen School District publishes a Parent Handbook with guidelines governing the district and school. A brightly colored folder printed with Silver Oak policies is provided to every student. Online you can find Silver Oak policies and procedures on our website. 

Q. How does the school communicate with students and their families?

A. Communicating with parents and caregivers is important to us. Once your child is enrolled in school, we know you will want to follow your child's academic success and keep up-to-date on district and school news and events. Learn more about how we communicate.

Q. I would like to help out. What can I do?

A. We love our parent volunteers.  Take a look at the many ways parents can get involved at school.

Q. Do parent volunteers have to check-in when visiting campus?

A. Yes, anyone visiting campus during the school day must sign-in at the school office when they arrive and sign-out when they leave. Visitors must wear a badge while on campus.

Q: When are school pictures taken?

A: School portraits are taken two times during the school year, first in September and again in March with make-up days each time. Pictures are taken by a professional photography studio and portraits with a wide variety of backgrounds can be ordered online. Check school news for detailed information in the weeks leading up to each of these events.

Q: What are Back-to-School and Open House Events?

A: At the beginning of the school year, parents are invited to our annual Back-to-School Night. Back-to-School Night is an opportunity for the parents and guardians to meet their child’s teacher and learn what is expected of their child during the upcoming school year. Back-to-School Night is an adult only event. We request you make the necessary arrangements to keep your child at home. The playground should not be used as a babysitter.

During the spring, families are invited to our annual Open House Night. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to attend. During Open House, we open our doors for families to be amazed by the incredible work students have done over the school year.

Q: Will there be a yearbook?

A: Each year a committee of students work with a teacher advisor to create a yearbook filled with great memories from the school year. Orders are taken for yearbooks during the year. Books are handed out to students the last week of school so they can be signed by their friends and teachers before the school year ends.